Produced by Emily Corcoran, Executive Produced by Graeme Fry
Directed by Richard Wellings-Thomas
Written by Graeme Fry and Vanessa Sampson
Starring Oliver Phelps, Tiana Kahn, Sam Dutton, Rob Shannon and Emily Corcoran
World Premiere Comedy Central Website
Official Selection Tres Court International Festival '14
Official Selection Limoux En Short '15
Official Selection Amacort Film Festival'15
Released by the Comedy Central Online and Channel worldwide.
Ears Film
The Fight Room Action Teaser Pilot for Television series.
Produced by Emily Corcoran, Executive Produced by Graeme Fry for Cork Films.
Directed by Niall Johnson
Written by Gilliand MacGregor and Emily Corcoran
Starring Gillian MacGregor, Zara Phythian, Siu See Hung and Emily Corcoran
Official Selection at the New York Television Festival
Produced by Emily Corcoran, Executive Produced by Graeme Fry
Directed by Richard Wellings-Thomas
Choreography Vincent & Alice Miller
Composer Paul Lawler
Performed by Emily Corcoran, Siu See Hung, Corinne Kempa, Luke Kaile, Amanda Stewart, Christine Robertson, Daniel Benoliel
Game of Bones: Too Much Muff sketch
Comedy Sketch depicting the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Adern, as the President of the USA and her refusal to sign the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.
Written and Produced by Emily Corcoran for Cork Films in Association with Film Strike for Climate
Directed by Tobias Tobbell
Watch it here: #WhatifJacindawerePresident?