Mother Earth is a 8 x 45 min Television series hybrid of drama and documentary interviews in the Climate Change/Science Faction genre in a similar format to ‘MARS’ for Nat Geo and Amazon.
Mother Earth is Set in a near future, on a undisclosed island that has suffered an environmental disaster - now being handled efficiently by the military, the series focuses on a middle-aged ex-biology teacher called Paula, who is mildly on the spectrum. She has developed a plant that she believes can cleanse the densely polluted soil of 'Parched Earth'. Parched Earth is section of the island cordoned off which is uninhabitable, and where those that are no longer of use or cannot contribute to society are sent to survive. After Paula purposely gets herself sent there, she unexpectedly finds help with ecletic mixture of people - an ex-drug addict racing driver, a young priest and a blind teenage girl - who's sense of smell helps Paula find what she is looking for.
In addition, we have already approached a number of scientists who have all agreed to interviews and to participate these include:
A former marine scientist and now specialist in crisis management, systemic vulnerabilities, extreme natural events, climate change and the collapse of the thermo-industrial system - he believes adaptation is the answer, not finding a solution.
An expert in plastic, soil and ruminants
A scientist who has spent 30 years studying the population changes of Western European Hedgehog and can talk about the ways we are impacting on biodiversity and bioabundance, he is happy to extrapolate
A marine scientist and plankton researcher at Uni of Bath, who broadly looks at how plankton respond to changes in our oceans caused by climate change
A soil scientist
An an expert in tree death and funghi.
Writer and Creative Showrunner Emily Corcoran for Cork Creative in Association with Film Strike for Climate